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'Book of Shadows'

Spells for Everyday Life

Below you will find all the spells given through the course. 

Create your ritual space: smudge, candles, circle of protection, pentacle.


Connect to breath and the heart. Raise hands and say:



"I pray for love and light to fill my heart and flow through all that I do.

I pledge to work from and for the highest good.

Great Goddess, may it be so."


Visualise the outcome you seek

In a Lavender Field

Sleep Spell

Bind amethyst and lavender together with purple thread (seal with tree sap or a little clear nail polish) or tie off. 


Or place both in a little pouch and tie/stitch closed.


"Calming soul of lavender, soothing spirit of amethyst

Help the body to quieten and the minds' chatter to cease.


When you're near bring to [me] deep and restful sleep.

When you're near bring to [me] deep and nourishing peace.


May it be so"



Prosperity Spell

"I open myself to abundance with humility,

I am ready to choose wealth and prosperity,

Money is an energy and I am its' magnet,

I release all thoughts that seek to block it."


Take your coin and bind it with yellow thread, seal with tree sap (or a little bit of clear nail polish)


"Wealth Grow

Money Flow

Life is Rich

May it be So"



Keep your coin safe / put on altar / put in a money box


Gold Earrings

Finder Spell

"Finder elves I call to thee

To return the item/s lost to me.

For all this work that you will do,

A honour of thanks I gift to you."


Repeat within a week if item is not found. 


When found light a candle and live a small crystal or chocolate for the finder elves - leave it on your altar for them for 24hrs and then bury it in the garden.

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