'Book of Shadows'
Spells for Everyday Life
Below you will find all the spells given through the course.
Create your ritual space: smudge, candles, circle of protection, pentacle.
Connect to breath and the heart. Raise hands and say:
"I pray for love and light to fill my heart and flow through all that I do.
I pledge to work from and for the highest good.
Great Goddess, may it be so."
Visualise the outcome you seek

Sleep Spell
Bind amethyst and lavender together with purple thread (seal with tree sap or a little clear nail polish) or tie off.
Or place both in a little pouch and tie/stitch closed.
"Calming soul of lavender, soothing spirit of amethyst
Help the body to quieten and the minds' chatter to cease.
When you're near bring to [me] deep and restful sleep.
When you're near bring to [me] deep and nourishing peace.
May it be so"
Prosperity Spell
"I open myself to abundance with humility,
I am ready to choose wealth and prosperity,
Money is an energy and I am its' magnet,
I release all thoughts that seek to block it."
Take your coin and bind it with yellow thread, seal with tree sap (or a little bit of clear nail polish)
"Wealth Grow
Money Flow
Life is Rich
May it be So"
Keep your coin safe / put on altar / put in a money box

Finder Spell
"Finder elves I call to thee
To return the item/s lost to me.
For all this work that you will do,
A honour of thanks I gift to you."
Repeat within a week if item is not found.
When found light a candle and live a small crystal or chocolate for the finder elves - leave it on your altar for them for 24hrs and then bury it in the garden.